Christmas fitness message from Luke

The Christmas holidays are definitely something I enjoy a lot.

Not only because I feel like Santa Claus still might exist (joke…), but because everyone just seems a lot stressed about work and life (for the first couple of weeks anyway, until the overconsumption of booze, sleep deprivation and catching up with yesterday’s work really hits you), I still get to train, people say hello a lot more with a smile on their face and luckily for me, my family and friends are really close so it’s quite easy for me to get some quality time in, most importantly there’s always some goodies in each other’s houses to just indulge in.

What I will say though is not everyone has a similar experience to this and they might not have that privilege to have quality time with friends and family over this festive period, they might not have the funds to go out and celebrate at every Christmas drinks, or like me, they might be working for themselves with no work colleagues to go to a Christmas party with. These people might just dread it every year and feel lonely and unimportant, but if this message is talking to you, listen, YOU ARE IMPORTANT and you might be feeling lonely but what if you’re just alone instead because people do give a shit about you and there is a difference between lonely and alone. And if you are in a privileged position then please be aware and reach out, wish some a happy Christmas, not just strangers but your close ones too. Even just a cheap little Christmas card can make someone’s day.

As for the fitness hacks, please, keep doing something, otherwise it will be tragic:

1.     Still gym if you gym and still run if you run (at least 2x per week).

2.     I’d probably scrap the calorie counting and just enjoy making that Christmas (food) baby.

3.     Eat plenty fruits and veg.

4.     Walk a little more.

That’s all from me, but have a great Christmas and remember, what I do for a living is help people get strong, get fit and lose weight… Well, there’s more to it than that but enjoy and I’ll see you on the other side!

Luke :)