

Hello, I’m Luke and I’m a Personal Trainer of 14 years. I am here to help you busy professionals optimise their health and fitness, and sometimes this can mean pulling the reigns and/or slowing you down.


I do all of the work in the background so you just have to turn up and stay connected.


My aim is to provide the best service I possibly can for you, ensuring that I can optimise your health and fitness.

I have 1000’s of hours of one to one personal training experience working with an array of clients.

I do not want to be back to back with clients all day everyday, because I’ve been there and personally and I did not feel I was providing an excellent service. My aim is to have a select number of clients and provide a very high quality service and get the most out of you.

When I’m not with you face to face, I will be writing your programme and updating it weekly according to your progress. I believe in bringing to balance to your lifestyle and doing the simple things very well, thus I believe in taking a holistic approach looking at all aspects of your lifestyle to bring the absolute best out of you and providing something that you will be able to adhere to.

Any queries, please feel free to message me on the contact page.